Through ages, time has been evident with change – The need for an MBA course had originated because of the requirement for professional managers who were qualified with industrial and scientific methods of working. Today the need for well qualified professional is still pre-dominant in the market; but with a few altercations. Now is the time, for urgency. The fact that students are no longer in mood to study for extra two years plays an important part for this transformation. This is the age of technology and entrepreneurship. So I ask, what is the point for a two year MBA?

The future of this course is laid down onto the hands of the virtual world. Gone are the days when people used to put a hold to their career to finish their business course; but post the market crash, the need for money became more important than the want to spend it on a course that might or might not give you a decent job. This insecurity led many to dump their education for a job. The other reason for not pursuing a business degree is that the possibility to lose out on promotions, salary hikes etc.
It is a big step – to pause your career, in the possibility for a better career. But the possibility is not a surety. This need for something more flexible bought in the need for a part time or an online course. If you are one of those, who are contemplating an MBA degree, but don’t want to take a slump in your professional life – an online MBA works wonders.
The biggest factor that makes going online way much easier – is the monetary factor. This course is getting more expensive day by day. Students who are on a strict budget cannot afford it; and those who are working and saving money – in the end of the day, it’s still not enough. Then after a lot of deliberation, life moves on and the time to make that space for a two year program loses its charm.
With the easy availability of technology, the traditional MBA has definitely lost its charm. B schools are witnessing a decline of applicants for their 2 year PGDM course.  Students now prefer to work and use their present degrees and grow in their job profile other than putting time and money in a course that might or might not give them a good career.
This world has been enveloped by the digital era. People are using this new found medium not only to communicate but also educate themselves. Online MBA proves to be most apt in today’s day and age. Many colleges are coming up with flexi programs that are a combination of online studies and class room studies with a 80-20% division. This is helps students to continue with their working life and pursue MBA on the side. At the end of this course, they would not only be eligible for a higher pay, but also they would not have lost out on any such promotions etc. in the process. Plus this degree would cost them a fraction of what a regular MBA costs.
According to Business Because – they are calling this transformation Disruption. Business Schools are predicting more digital disruption of their postgraduate programs in 2015. Technology has definitely brought in a new innovation of the traditional learning methods. The dean of HEC Paris states that online Teaching would most definitely become more prevalent in the future.
Business degrees would be transitioning into more experiential learning and the advantages of online learning are numerous. The vast availability of technology has definitely bridged the narrow gap between online and full time MBA course.

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