Things Not Covered Under Health Insurance Policy

The customer covered under Health Insurance Policy bears certain costs unknowingly as n numbers of varied medicinal costs are not covered by health insurance policies. There are certain benefits and medical costs that certain health insurance policies do not cover.

The individual without due research forgo the benefits unknowingly and accept the terms and conditions only to come to regret it in the future. I cannot stress over the fact how certain important basic medical function costs are not included or covered under health insurance policy.
I have elaborated few of the many things not covered under health insurance policy. The list can be enumerated as follows:
1. Weight Loss Surgeries
There are a majority of health insurance policies that fail to cover this benefit. After a weight loss surgery an individual bears more cost than the ones who don’t get a surgery. Experts believe that close to 10 percent health plans efficiently include this weight management program while 90 percent of health insurance plans fail to cover this.
2. Pre-Existing Diseases
I would be honest and clearly state that Insurers deter Pre-existing diseases. People suffering from certain ailments before covering them under health insurance plan pose a high rate of financial risk to the insurers as they might be in need of treatment. However, certain health insurance plans have a waiting period before covering an individual’s pre- existing diseases.
3. Infertility Cure
Close to 94 percent health insurance plans do not cover Infertility treatments thus affecting thousands of couples and individuals across the globe. The insurers, however, cover the costs involved in the diagnosis of the condition. It is the treatment that is not included in individual’s health insurance plan.
4. Cosmetic Surgery and Beauty Costs
There are varied cosmetic surgeries like Botox injections, eyelid surgeries, breast implants and so on and so forth. However varied health insurance plans and policies do not cover cosmetic surgeries and beauty costs. Typical health insurance plans do not cover certain dermatological treatments.
5. Dental Services for Adults and Children
Dental services are an important aspect of oral hygiene. This basic treatment is not covered by insurers. The dental check-up could be related to adults and children either services are not covered under health insurance policy.
6. Vaccinations for Travel
When you are travelling to exotic vacation spot vaccinations is a must and certain health insurance plans or insurers do not cover travel vaccinations. You would have to loosen your pockets in order to pay for vaccinations when travelling abroad.
7. Prior Authorization Does Not Mean Guaranteed Payment
An insurer on the grounds of eligibility and requirement of expensive medical procedure might refuse payment for the same. Varied health insurance plans include a clause stating how prior authorizations won’t result in guaranteed payment.
You are advised to read the terms and conditions before accepting the plans. The list might include jargons of health insurance industry confusing the insured and hence, research on the part of the insured is a must. The individual must read the conditions and the list of things covered under the Health Insurance Plan.

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