How to Sell a Vehicle that Is Not Running

Selling a car is already quite a
tricky endeavour and you won’t know how long it takes until it finds its new
owner. It all gets even more difficult when that car you’re selling isn’t
working. Many people ask, “How to sell
my car
when it isn’t running?”. Luckily, there are specific tips just for
that situation:

1. Avoid car dealerships
Even when you own a great, well
functioning vehicle, a dealership will still provide the lower value than any
other instance. Of course they know how much your car makes, but they will
minimise it for the sake of their own earnings. If the car isn’t running,
they’ll probably take your request as a joke.
2. Being honest works
 It definitely works to be honest
about it and create an ad that tells about the true condition of your car.
CraigsList, swap shop pages and ad sites can accommodate your request. What
matters is that your car is generally in a good condition. It’s especially important
that it looks great. If it’s desirable, then you can ask for about half of its
normal price as a pre-owned vehicle.

3. Part out the car
 This is a good option if you want
to make some money on your old car. There could be many people out there who need
specific parts of the same brand. Buying these from the dealership could cost
them a great deal. This is how many get to search for used car parts. On the
Internet you may sell any car part, from engine caps to mirrors. It can
generate much more money than actually selling the car as a whole.
4. Selling to car junkyards or
to online car stores
 Many may be interested in buying
junk cars for the parts they can obtain. You could try this before you opt for
the final solution. Do a local search for a site that buys junk vehicles.
Usually those that make the “We buy any car” claim are good for this. If the
method isn’t working, then all you can do is to give your car to a junkyard.
When there’s absolutely nothing you can hope for, just scrap your vehicle. It
will bring you some money because you’re actually selling the metal in it,
which is an important resource. Still, you must pay attention and save what can
be saved. If there are any good parts, remove and keep those, to sell later.
5. Wait it out
Finally, you need some patience to
handle this. It may not sell immediately – in fact, you must wait around for
some time, as it’s happened with most such sales. Do your best to deal with
individuals and not with companies or dealerships.

Broken down cars are sold more
easily when the owner focuses on their brand and on the people who own the
same. This is what should guide you in your endeavour, since people can be more
interested in parts than in a non-operating vehicle as a whole. 

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