Helping Your Teen Decide What to Do after High School

Adolescence is a tough time for kids! As it is they have to deal with
numerous issues regarding their physical and mental health, on top of
that suddenly they realize that they are all grown-up now and should
take some important decisions which are life altering! Tough on them,
who had taken it easy all this while and the sudden responsibility
and wake-up call to break off the stupor and plunge headlong into
career aspirations robs them off their peace of mind. That’s when
it is important to hold their hand and brush off their insecurities
and allay their apprehensions!

Turning Point
You as a parent
must help your child to overcome all obstacles and help them seek a
foothold in the job industry! Empowering them with the right
information and knowledge can instill in them the confidence to start
their journey on the right note! Although you might have taken a
lackadaisical attitude regarding your own career but in today’s
times, laid back can be bracketed with failure. Times have changed
and the only frenetic pace is regarded as progress! So try planning
for your teen earlier than you would have otherwise done. If you plan
ahead you would be well-prepared for the future predicaments!
Taking Stock
of Skills
Ask your child to
list down their strengths and weaknesses would be the first step
towards progress! The child should know himself what he is capable
of and what are his skills and list down the colleges which he would
like to apply for! He/ she should also think of getting professional
help as in career counselor who would give them the right career
guidance for career development! There are many who plunge headlong
into a career right after they finish their school like if they opt
for National Defence Academy or if they opt for Hospitality
Management. It is beneficial in a way as they are career aspirations
are defined and they are not wasting their time dilly-dallying. But
it is only for those who are absolutely sure of what they want from
life and whether this career would stand them in good stead in the
end! Preparing for competitive examinations is another stepping-stone
to propel career growth. Give them the freedom to decide what would
be the right career choice for them or get help from career
counselors which course will suit them best according to their
ability. Let them go for internships as going for internships will
give them an idea whether the particular job which they are aiming
for is good enough for them. The naïve teen will be able to gauge
whether they have the requisite skills to do that particular job!
Pick some valuable lessons as they would get the first-hand
experience. Whether they are disciplined enough to handle a tricky
job and imbibe the office atmosphere, whether they will be able to
adjust to a set-up like that?
interference in your Child’s Life
Parents have to
keep reminding themselves that they have to let their child lead
their own lives as they can provide ample support for them but
ultimately it is the teen’s call as to which stream they would
choose! Parents must remember the following inputs to help their teen
decide on their career choice with dexterity.
  • Lend him
    your ears. Yes, a good way to solve problems would be to patiently
    hear him out and then advise him without sounding overtly preachy.
  • Give him the
    respect he deserves. While sometimes it would be difficult to
    understand that their child has grown-up and can take decisions on
    their own, it is mandatory to realize that the time is ripe to
    shoulder responsibility. This would arm him with requisite skills to
    solve problems and handle tough problems.
  • Teach him
    several life-skills as well or anecdotes from your life which would
    help him to be wizened about life’s pitfalls.

Knowledge is Power

The more you know about the plethora of information available out
there, about career mistakes the better it will be for the teen to
take that all-important decision about the career. The internet,
books are good sources of knowing more about what to take up as a
profession. Career counselors and career
fairs are the other places that you might try out for
seeking information. Since this is a decision which you have to take
not only for today but for your future as well, an informed decision
can help you chalk out a plan as to how to go about things. Also,
when your child has finally decided what course he would take up
there are also financial aspect one has to consider. As some courses
do cost the earth and you have to decide whether your finances would
permit you to take a stab at the particular course your child is
aiming for. You could even consider opting for student loans if your
child is seriously considering taking it up as a career. It is indeed
a full-fledged process which needs careful planning and if you take
the right decision you could be rewarded with your child scaling the
greatest heights in his career! For you, nothing can be more
rewarding than that!
 Parent’s can only give good advice and put them on the right paths,
but the final forming of the person’s character lies in his own
hands.” Anne Frank has said it so rightly! Nurture them support
them and then just let them lead their own lives! Armed with
resilience, zeal and fearlessness the children are sure to find
their way out in the world!

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