Five Best ways to Cancel a Lease Agreement

rental lease is a law binding process. So, breaking it before the mentioned
time can have serious consequences. Breaking a lease can have negative impacts
on your personal finance and your credit score. The landlord of your rental
house in Chennai

or Bangalore has every right to take legal steps against you to get back the
back rents. There is higher chance that the law goes against you and despite
your financial hardship; you need to pay the lease balance. But what if you’ve
serious reasons to break lease? Maybe you’re transferred to another city or any
other reason; you have to seek ways to deal the situation peacefully.

Steps to Cancel a
Lease Agreement
just keep it in your mind that you have to keep good credit score and don’t
want to get entangled into any legal suits. So, what are the passive processes
to end your lease agreement untimely? Have a look : –

Establish a Legal
know it very well that lease agreement is a legal binding. Breaking it for any
trivial reason can drag you to court. And your landlord has every right to
recover money from you. You won’t get back the security deposit and also pay
more for legal procedures. If you show any strong legal reason for breaking it,
you can establish your point at court. Also take help from a lawyer.

Send a Notice of
to do if the process doesn’t go smoothly? You should prepare proofs from your
side to establish your point at court. Send a snail mail to your landlord
stating your legitimate reason. This notice must comprise your name, address,
landlord’s name and address, date of leaving the place, reason of cancellation
and other relevant circumstances. Ask for Certified Receipt from the post office
while sending the mail. The landlord has to sign the receipt before receiving
it. This is your proof that you’ve sent notice. If things go up to court, you
can produce that as evidence.

Keep Good Records
only wants proofs. So, it is up to you how you can produce enough evidences
from your side. Sometimes, landlord of houses rent in chennaimay treat such
situation to grab money from you. So, it is possible that they refuse any
statement at court. For that reason, it is your duty to record every phone
calls, keep photocopies of every documents needed for the cancellation, take
pictures and get affidavits if required. Never lose the certified return

A Mutual
Understanding is Necessary
you are a good tenant, you must have kept a good relationship with your
landlord. That may help you in such kind of situations. State your problems to
your landlord and show proofs. If you’re transferred to another city, show your
transfer letter. If you share a mutual understanding, the process can go quiet
smoothly. Still, you can expect to pay for cancelling the agreement. But that
is better than spending more at court, isn’t it?
Write a Release
mutual system must follow legal procedure. If your landlord also wants to
cancel the lease, then you both need to sign up another agreement. Write a
Release from your lease agreement where you should mention both of your names
and addresses, a short description of your mutual agreement for cancelling the
lease, one or two sentences to state about the prepaid rent and security
deposit and most importantly, a sentence that no party will ask for legal
proceedings. Sign two copies as both should have an original copy.

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