Clean Your Carpet With This Process To Keep Clean And Fresh

Cleaning a carpet is a delicate task. The job
has to be done in various steps and all of those steps are equally important
and should be given maximum attention in order to achieve high carpet cleaning
standards. The first stage of cleaning the carpet starts prior to cleaning it.
During this stage, you should inspect the condition of the carpet. This means
looking at every inch of the carpet to determine its approximate age, amount of
dirt it has collected and to see the care instructions. While inspecting, you
should also note the material used for making it and whether it’s hand woven or
mass-produced. It’s also important at this stage to assess the amount of
traffic that the carpet endures on a daily basis and the wear and tear
incurred. Check to locate any stains and determine how stubborn they are. If
you can’t tell what caused a stain, find out from the carpet owner as this will
help you decide on the right stain removal product to use. If you think some
stains cannot be removed, discuss this with the carpet owner and agree on the
best course of action. Vacuum the carpet to remove loose dirt and dust.

The second stage involves cleaning using
the hot-water extraction method. This stage begins by spraying the carpet with
a cleaning product that’s biodegradable. Soil is then separated from the carpet
and stain removal done through rotary agitation. The carpet is then inspected
for stains and if any are remaining, they are treated. Finally, the carpet is
cleaned using the hot-water extraction method. Note that normal cleaning with a
brush and water may ruin your carpet especially if it’s hand woven. If you
can’t clean your carpet properly, get a company for Carpet Cleaning in Lake Forest to do
the cleaning for you.

The third stage is the post-cleaning phase. During this stage, start by
protecting your furniture while replacing your carpet. It’s possible for the
carpet to rub against some of your furniture during replacement and this might
leave lint on the furniture. Also ensure that any items that can be knocked
over are out of the way. The carpet should be dry during replacement because if
it’s wet, it might get stained by the color from the wood. It might also start
molding and get smelly. Keep windows open or use a fan to speed up the time it
takes to dry the carpet. Professionals for Carpet Cleaning in Lake Forest have great tools for speeding up the drying
of your carpet. the last phase involves treating the carpet for allergies.  Dust mites, pet mites and hair from pets will
get on the carpet and irritate anyone with allergies. This problem can be
avoided by treating the carpet with a special liquid for preventing allergies.
The great thing about working with a professional cleaning service is that they
can customize the cleaning process for you depending on the type of carpet you

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