Benefits And Drawbacks Of The Growth Hormone Treatment

Rendering the growth hormone treatment is always a debatable issue as the dosages are very expensive to buy. Growth hormones should be carefully implanted in children who have a very short height according to their age. They are said to increase the growth of bones as the injections are taken in. But there are a few considerations before you take it. 
The adult growth hormone deficiency treatment may seem to be required, but then, growth hormone therapy and treatments also have some drawbacks as there are positive effects. This article provides some views on the endless debate and probably put an end to several questions.
 Positives and negatives of the growth hormone treatment

Each steroid comes with its shares of drawbacks and benefits. Let’s have an overall view of it.
For adults: the decision to take on growth hormone treatment in case of adults is basically dependent on several cases seen in the recent past. It must be known (or, unknown) that the levels of the growth hormone produced by your pituitary gland situated in the brain, keeps on decreasing as we age. As you enter the adult and the senior years thereafter, growth hormone drastically decreases, arresting your growth completely after a certain age; however small amount of the growth hormone is always there which is necessary for optimal health and wellness. A growth hormone deficiency in adult years can contribute to a number of medical conditions if left untreated. The medical conditions include osteoporosis and high cholesterol.
For children: the growth hormone therapies are considered safe for kids or adults after being supervised and monitored by a doctor or a physician. But some side effects have been noticed. Well it may be said that injecting any chemical in to our blood stream from outside will cause some side effects. While side affects known to be very serious are really rare. The mild side effects which includes joint pain, muscle pain, a sensation of pins and needles or numbness, has been observed in many cases. Edema, which is the comprehensive term for swelling in the hands and feet, is relatively common.

What are the conditions under which one should not opt for growth hormone treatment?
To be honest, however good and safe a treatment may seem, there are always some conditions under which this treatment should not be done. These are as follows:
A person who has cancer or who has a probability of forming a tumor shouldn’t take growth hormones. The injections and supplements can accelerate cell multiplication.
An individual who is acutely ill or someone who has the experience of any traumatic injury should stay away from growth hormones. 
People having serious lung or breathing issues should also stay away from injections.
This treatment can be very effective in increasing the height in case of some, but it’s not meant for everybody. You need to consult your doctor about side effects, benefits and drawbacks. Check your options before making a decision.

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