5 Easy Website Builder tools by Hosting Providers: How to create the site easily

Entrepreneurs these days are aware of the importance of a website for their business entities. The dominance of online domain has led everyone to jump into the pool of online marketing and place their business aspirations at new heights. It is however notable that designing a website is not a five finger exercise. A lot many things go into consideration before conceptualizing a website. Sadly enough, business personnel do not have enough time to invest generously on website designing. Enter website builder tools by hosting providers. These tools practically act as rescuers, especially for start-up organizations.
Hiring a professional for website designing purpose can significantly increase costs. Certain enterprises may not even have a budget for this drive. Therefore, when a web host provides website building as an add-on to their services, it becomes easy for business owners to set up a website on order to reach out to their customers in an efficient manner. 

Mentioned below are some of the most sought after website building tools that web hosts can offer.
5 Website building tools by Web Hosts

1.    DIY Website Builder by BigRock
DIY website builder is probably the simplest of the lot. All you need to do is to sign up using your email address and you start building your website by dropping text and images straightaway.  It provides the users a blank canvas where they can use their imagination to create a website according to their own specifications. Essentially, what a DIY website builder does is that it takes care of all the technical aspects of a website and gets you ready with your website within a short period of time.

2.    Microsoft Webmatrix 
Customers can download Webmatrix and then install it using Microsoft web platform installer. It allows users to download and install a host of web applications like Joomla and WordPress, free of cost. Webmatrix also agrees to storage and offline content management services.

3.    Parallels Web Presence Builder
 Customers, if experienced can go into the code with the assistance of Parallels Web Presence Builder. It integrates widgets that allow the use of photo galleries, maintaining e-commerce portals, in addition to supporting drag and drop functions. On the other hand web hosts can easily integrate this website builder tool into the control panel without any hassle.

4.    BaseKit
BaseKit is primarily a browser based website builder tool which is why it needs no to be downloaded and installed. It presents web pages that are fashioned in HTML format making it easily viewable even on mobile phones. BaseKit offers users an opportunity to create a website with free templates and other tools.

5.    RVSite Builder
RVSite Builder allows the user to directly access     cPanel, and create unlimited pages on the website. This website builder tool allows the user to create its own template. Additionally, it also provides the user to create and backup of the data and save it on its computer.
Starting a business leads to significant costing. Different aspects of a business demand monetary efficiency that is why it becomes crucial to save on whatever you can. Online Website building tools are probably the best way of doing that. These days’ web hosts provide website builder tools as value added services in their package. Above mentioned are some of the highly popular website building tools that web hosts can provide to their customers.

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