Know Important Things About your Earth

We are fortunate to be living on the only inhabitable planet – the
Earth. With its beautiful valleys and plains, and the mesmerizing natural
beauty, we can’t thank God enough to have sent us onto this intrinsically
constructed planet. The knowledge that we derive from Geography, about this
‘Blue Planet’ of ours, is very superficial. In order to know in details about
the Earth, there are a whole lot of studies that has to be done.

Earth Science is that branch of science which incorporates other
sciences such as, geology, astronomy, meteorology and oceanography, to get a
wholesome understanding of the Earth. These are referred to as the earth
sciences and they correspond to the four main spheres of the planet- rocks,
water, life and air. It could well be considered as a branch of planetary
science too.  
The Earth Science covers a wide range of issues that need to be examined
and understood to get a complete idea about how things work in the natural
environment of the Earth. Classroom and books are not sufficient to gather this
information. Though the researchers and scientists go out of the way to study
the environs with their highly technologically advanced gadgets, they still
fall short of exactly replicating the earth processes. The class teachers and
educators, unfortunately, do not even access to those gadgets, to be able to
explain things to the students vividly.

Keeping this is mind, the founder of Animated Earth LLC, Barbara
that only if these written teachings could be complemented with some visual
aid, would it have a powerful impact on the minds of the young learners. She
makes science illustrations, which produce nearly real looks of the actual
geological processes taking place.

Geology is the study about the materials with which the Earth is made up
of, it is actually the main science of the earth. The Earth’s atmosphere, its
climate and weather are all studied in the Meteorological branch of science.
This is a cause of concern for every life on this planet, it, in a way governs
our lives, habits and ways of living. Earth science, does not just include
knowing our own planet, it also involves an understanding of the space and
other heavenly bodies encompassing the Earth.

Thus, the study of Astronomy becomes vital. It is the branch of science
which involves a reading of the moon and various other stars and planets around
the Earth, which cast an influence on it. For instance, while the tidal processes
are controlled by the moon, the conditions of weather and climate are
controlled by the sun. Hence, it is mandatory that we know the whereabouts of
these heavenly bodies. Oceanography is another vital Earth science, which gives
us the idea of the world under water.

As an answer to getting a clear grip of how these various processes
, has
founded the Animated Earth LLC, which is instrumental in making earth science
satellite accessible and a fun learning process for the learners, irrespective
of their age. She feels that the visual impact, these near-real animations have
on the learners, instigates their curiosity and helps them understand the processes
much better than they would have otherwise.

An understanding of the place that we inhabit, is extremely essential,
does not have any doubt attached to it. It actually illustrates us as
responsible inhabitants, thereby making Earth Science a crucial subject for

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