Proven Tips to Use Data Analytics to Augment Telemarketing Performance

For many years, telemarketing proves to be an effective
channel for marketing to both businesses and customers. But, data can mean the
difference between campaign success and the failure. By leveraging the power of
data analytics, a telemarketing firm can improve its performance, which can
result into better marketing results, satisfied clients and more energetic agents
and healthy return on investment.

When we consider data to improve the telemarketing services, the
concept of marginal gains come into the picture. In this guest blog post, you
can see the important tips to improve the chances of a positive outcome by
leveraging data analytics.

Data quality: It is true that you have a database,
a contact list of prospective customers, lapsed customers or list provided by
your marketing team. Before you start making the call on these numbers given in
the list, it is important to check the data for known goneaways (customer or business)
or dead contacts. This slashes down the risks associated to your business
reputation damage that could be happened by calling. Another method of
improving data quality is to perform landline number validation. This process
can eradicate the numbers that are no longer exists. So, with the help of this
process, you can better plan and allocate the resources to your campaign,
saving staffing costs and reducing the time wasted on calling wrong numbers.    

Targeting: Targeting plays the crucial role in
driving the positive outcomes. Targeting prospective customers that have
previously exhibited their interest in your product or service is the best way
to reap a great business deal. The same can hold true for lapsed customers as
you may wish to consider why a customer leaves before reacquisition attempts.
Focus on more recent data and not entertain the data that is more than 1 year old
as it will produce no results. The average customer database get damaged at
round 10% per year, so it is easy to figure out that using outmoded data in
outbound telemarketing services will result into nothing except wasting your
efforts and valuable time in calling.   

List sourcing: If you have fully consumed the campaign
data, then use your ideal profile information. You can also source targeted
fresh data from the marketing specialists or use the services of an independent
list service provider. So, the better way is to enhance the telemarketing
performance is to ensure the correct targeting. Note that the customer data
that you are using is being legally compliant. List sourcing is the useful tip to
reduce the redundancy in your customer data. While approaching the prospects, particularly
the b2b client, it is important to have the right name as this can help you to
successfully reach the decision maker rather than getting blocked by the gatekeeper.

Compliance: Following a proper standard of making
cold call is the way to achieve the success. For example, it is a legal
requirement in the UK to screen any cold call (unsolicited) data against the
TPS (Telephone Preference Service) for targeting customers every 28 days. If you
are not following the compliance, then you might be land with some penalty and adverse
publicity in the market. In addition, it will annoy and turn away your
prospects from your brand. A great telemarketing service means that people’s
wishes are being entertained. This will ensure that your call centre operators
remain focused and motivated by providing them the chance to get succeed.     
Measure and learn: While running a telemarketing
campaign, it is important to measure results, stest, examine and learn what works
best. A continuous measurement of your telemarketing campaign helps to get valuable
customer feedback which when actioned properly will help in driving improvements.
Simple tasks including updating and modifying data with the new contacts or
corrections will help you to keep your database clean. In efficient outbound
telemarketing services
, managers record call backs and accept the agents’ requests
for removal from your database. This will help telemarketing agents to target
better and reducing the risks of wasting call time on customers who are not interested.

In a nutshell, each described above offers a marginal gain,
but when combined, the improvement in the telemarketing performance can bring
huge change to your campaign. Choose telemarketing services to improve your
business sales.   

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