7 Keys to a Successful Move

Moving day will be here before you
know it! Between now and then you’ll have so much to do, from preparing your
current home for sale to looking for a new home elsewhere. Because time is of
the essence, you don’t dare allow these moments to slip through your fingers.
The following are the keys to a successful move.

No. 1 — Get organized. It all
begins with you. Specifically, it all begins with your approach to what needs
to get done. This should include purchasing an organizer and a planner, to keep
track of all the important records you will accumulate as well as those you
already have. This central file will house your real estate contracts, your
moving contract, medical and dental documents, and financial information. You’ll
fill it with those documents you need to bring with you as you make your
transition to a new home.

No. 2 — Secure a real estate
agent. You’ll need to begin interviewing local real estate brokers at once in a
bid to secure an agent
to represent you as you put your current home on the market. You’ll want an
agent that is knowledgeable, friendly, aggressive, and has a plan to market
your home. Consider it a bonus if the real estate firm is also present in the
city where you are moving, but that isn’t necessary. You’ll want to get your
home on the market as soon as possible to begin showing it. Once that is done,
then reach out to a real estate firm in your new city to track down homes for

No. 3 — Dump the clutter. Excess
stuff in the house will only distract you. It will also drive up your moving
costs if you don’t separate it from the items you will be bringing with you.
Make it a priority to donate, sell or otherwise remove those things in your
home you no longer need. Start with your children’s bedrooms, then turn to your
bedroom. Ask your husband to identify the items he no longer needs, including
items in the garage, his workroom, basement and in the attic. Look over your
items too and be diligent to have the excess removed before the moving company
representatives show up to provide estimates.

No. 4 — Obtain moving company
estimates. Interview at least three moving companies in a bid to find one that
can do your move for the most reasonable amount of money. Each company should
provide a written, binding estimate, show proof of insurance and licensure, and
be available on your moving date. Check references, negotiate a better deal if
you must, and choose your company as soon as possible explains Allied Moving.

No. 5 — Take a trip. With the
moving process in full swing, you and your family should take a trip to your
new city. This may mean a long drive, a train ride or a flight. Make those
arrangements and plan for a long weekend away or a full week, if possible. Meet
with the real estate agent in your new city and visit homes. Take in the local
culture, including entertainment, education, schools, businesses, and more. If
a home interests you, then obtain more information. Make an offer if you and
your spouse are satisfied that it meets your criteria. Counter offer as
necessary, then seal the deal when both parties come to an agreement.

No. 6 — Ask, acquire and keep going.
At this point in the moving process, you have some of the big items out of the
way, including buying a home. Hopefully, your current home has interested some
buyers and an offer is in progress. Touch base with your real estate agent to
gauge the sale’s progress. Ask retailers to provide boxes
and begin packing. Acquire copies of important documents, including medical,
dental, school, and veterinarian records. Keep these records with your central
file. Ask friends to watch your children while you and your spouse pack or
invite them over to assist you. Hold a moving sale if you haven’t done so yet.
Continue to welcome people into your home if it hasn’t sold. The next several
weeks can seem like a lull in the action, but don’t become complacent as time
will soon fly by. Notify the post office, your creditors and other parties that
have a need to know of your pending move. Supply your new address.

No. 7 — Make your move. As the move
approaches, you’ll be tying up loose ends. Contact the moving company to
confirm the moving date. Arrange for time off from work and pour your energy
into finishing your projects, including cutting the lawn, raking leaves, power
washing the drive way, cleaning off the deck, and more. Have your home ready
for the day the movers show up and you’ll be ready to move your transition
forward. Stay in touch with your real estate agents in both locations to ensure
that the selling and buying process is continuing.

Safe Travels

With the moving process over,
you’re on your way to your new home. The transition will be exhausting and you,
your spouse, the children, and your pets will be exhausted, excited, and
cranky! Make this move a special one and you’ll have no regrets. You’ll also be
glad that you followed our seven keys to a successful move.

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