Steps To Getting Your Lawn Organic

It is no breaking news
report to anyone that chemical fertilizers and pesticides are destroying human
health and the environment. It is as if chemicals in our food were not enough,
we are willingly putting them on our lawn as well. There are very severe
consequences of pesticides and chemicals used in your lawn.  10’s of billions of dollar are spent annually
by Americans on lawn care products like chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
There are bugs and insects you want to out of your lawn but you don’t just wipe
out the annoying bugs but also disrupt ecosystem and wipe out good insects like
bees. If you have not already started then it is high time you get started on
making your lawn organic. And, no it is not difficult to maintain an organic
lawn more than your chemically fertilizer and pesticide used lawn; in fact it
has a lot of benefits. If you have enough time to maintain a lawn than to make
it more organic then you can make your own compost or buy from an organic lawn care service provider.

 Steps to getting your lawn organic:
1.  Thicken: The right way to have a lush and
green swath without weeds is to use seeds of suitable grass over your lawn that
already exists. When you have thick grass growing on your lawn, there is no
place for weeds to germinate. Using grass seed mix particularly labeled for
suited condition on your lawn, whether sun or shade helps more.

2. Feed compost rather
than fertilizers: Instead of using chemical fertilizers that harm the quality
of the soil and the product, use compost. If you can make compost at home then
great but if you can’t then you can always buy it from organic lawn care services providing companies out there.

3. Wise watering: Water
wastage due to lawns account for up to sixty percent of water use in summers.  Using chemical fertilizers somehow increases
the water usage because you are not aware of selecting right grass and applying
compost. Also, watering early morning helps to reduce evaporation and fungal

4. Cutting high: if
you are using herbicides for suppressing crabgrass then know that 3 inches high
season grass is just as effective. Keep your mower blade at its highest level
and sharp when cutting your lawn grass.

5.  Leave those grass clippings: You don’t have  to bag up the grass clippings from mowing and
send it to landfills, instead get a mulching blade for your lawn mower and let
the grass clippings decompose on your lawn. It will add a lot of organic value
on your lawn.

6.  Responsible feeding: organic fertilizers are
made up of plants and animals and when decomposed by microorganisms on your
lawn, the organic fertilizer takes the form of nutrients plants can easily
absorb.  You can always hire organic lawn care service providers
when you cannot do it all on your own.

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