3 Ways Oil and Gas Companies Can Increase Safety Without Breaking the Bank

Between 2003 and 2010, a staggering 823
workers in the oil and gas industry were killed on the job. The oil and gas
industry has seven times more fatalities than any other industry in the United
States and the numbers spiked by 23% from 2011 to 2012. This means that the
industry is becoming more dangerous as time goes on, and falling gas prices
threaten to strain already overburdened budgets.

The good news is that many of the fatal
accidents are entirely preventable. The leading causes of fatalities are
vehicle accidents, falls, chemical exposure, and explosions and fires. With the
proper precautions and safety standards, companies can mitigate fatalities
without breaking the bank.

3 Cost-Effective
Methods of Increasing Safety
1. Perform a
Preliminary Safety Audit
Because a majority of the accidents that occur
in the oil and gas industry are from hazards that are not endemic to the
industry like falls and vehicle accidents, reducing the number of injuries and
fatalities can be as easy as performing a safety audit.
What kind of training do your drivers have?
What type of safety equipment do your employees wear? Are there any areas or
tasks that have had a history of accidents? Is your business following all
safety guidelines set by OSHA? Asking questions like these can help you figure
out potential risks and find areas to improve upon. Prevention is always the
most cost effective safety measure.
2.  Safety
Training Refreshment Courses
Most companies have job and safety training at
the onset of employment, but what happens after an employee has been doing the
same job for 5 to 10 years? They get complacent. Complacency leads to hapless
errors that often lead to injury or worse. When doing the same task or job over
and over, people get comfortable and often cut corners (especially when it
comes to safety).
By having regular safety training refreshment
courses for seasoned employees, your business can reinforce safety measures
preventing careless mistakes. One way to mitigate costs for refreshment courses
is to integrate them into new employee training. This is beneficial to new
employees as well because they can get safety insight from more experienced
employees who have seen first hand the dangers of the job.
3.  Outsource
Another cost effective way of ensuring safety
is by outsourcing compliance to trained safety professionals. With constantly
evolving safety standards from OSHA, keeping up with the latest requirements
can be time-consuming and, therefore, costly. It can be even more costly if
your company does not keep up with safety standards and ends up with hefty
Safety compliance
companies, like
 eCompliance, offer low-cost software and training to
help your business follow the latest safety standards in a variety of
industries. Instead of spending time and money creating your own training
program, you can implement their programs that are sure to cover everything
necessary for your industry.
Another benefit of outsourcing your health and
safety program is that these companies often assign administrators and
consultants that are experts in your industry. They can offer solutions that
they’ve seen work in other similar companies and help you avoid common hazards.
Safety software and administrators stay on top of compliance, so you do not
have to.
While falling oil and gas prices may create the temptation to
cut corners, remember tat the value of a life can’t be compromised for the
bottom line. Ensuring a safe and healthy environment for employees, no matter
the industry, is essential and a basic human right. With plenty of
cost-effective safety measures, there is no excuse for a preventable injury or
death while on the job.

About the author: 
The writer of this article, Brennen Kliffmueller, is a freelance
writer who specializes in health and safety related topics. He strives to
provide the most informative articles possible to help ensure safety for
employees working in even the most dangerous of industries. You can learn more
about Brennen on


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